More Internet may disappear as image-bearing host Imgur announces deletion of old NSFW content and images

Image host Imgur announced a change to its terms of service on April 19 that will ban NSFW content, as well as begin deleting an unknown number of older images “not tied to a user account.” The announced changes will take effect on May 15. Imgur did not respond to a request for comment in time for publication.

Imgur was founded in 2009 as a way to host and share images intended for other social networks⁠—for a long time, it was the default way to attach images to Reddit posts, for example, but has also seen widespread use on other sites and forums. While the site has lost prominence following Reddit’s implementation of its own in-house image hosting service, Imgur is still in widespread use. The company itself boasts 300 million unique visitors and “billions” of page views per month, while a Fast Company story in 2013 claimed that the site already had a library of more than 650 million images just four years after its founding.

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