How should we maximize the planning capacity of LLMs while reducing computational costs? Discover SwiftSage: a new generative agent for complex interactive reasoning tasks, inspired by the dual process theory of human cognition

How should we maximize the planning capacity of LLMs while reducing computational costs?  Discover SwiftSage: a new generative agent for complex interactive reasoning tasks, inspired by the dual process theory of human cognition Artificial Intelligence is rapidly catching on and for all good reason. With the introduction of large language models such as GPT, BERT and LLaMA, almost all industries including healthcare, finance, e-commerce and media are using these models for tasks such as Natural Language Understanding (NLU), Natural Language Generation (NLG), question answering, scheduling, information retrieval, … Read more

Biden Warns AI Could “Surpass Human Thought” in other health news this week

"Some are very concerned that artificial intelligence may actually surpass human thinking and planning," President Biden said in a keynote address Thursday.

“Some are very concerned that artificial intelligence may actually surpass human thinking and planning,” President Biden said in a keynote address Thursday. From racial bias in medicine to more affordable Alzheimer’s drugs, here are the health stories you may have missed this week from Yahoo News partners. Biden warns that AI could ‘surpass human thinking’ … Read more

President Biden warns that AI could ‘surpass human thinking’

President Joe Biden delivers the keynote address at the United States Air Force Academy, just north of Colorado Springs in El Paso County, Colorado on June 1, 2023.

WASHINGTON President Joe Biden on Thursday amplified the fears of scientists who say artificial intelligence could “surpass human thought” in his most direct warning to date about growing concerns about the rise of AI. Biden spoke about artificial intelligence during a keynote speech to graduates of the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, as … Read more