Apple @ Work: Apple’s control over the device management protocol is about protecting the user experience

Macs at work

Apple @ Work is brought to you by Kolide, the device trust solution that ensures that if a device is insecure, it cannot access your cloud apps. If you have Okta, Kolide can help you make your fleet 100% compliant. I am Zero Trust for Okta. Learn more or request a demo today. In a … Read more

How Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, IoT and the Cloud Are Dramatically Reshaping Fleet Management for Telecom Companies | Digressions on telecommunications

How Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, IoT and the Cloud Are Dramatically Reshaping Fleet Management for Telecom Companies |  Digressions on telecommunications

This industry perspective was written by Sumit Chauhan, co-founder and chief operating officer of Cerebrum X As telecom companies look to modernize their vehicles, the benefits of connected vehicles could make these technologies the new standard for fleet management. Indeed, 86% of connected fleet operators have already been interviewed reported a solid return on investment … Read more

Why CEO Tom Siebel is ‘declaring victory’

Why CEO Tom Siebel is 'declaring victory'

To really get a sense of the market excitement and concerns about the future of AI, look no further than , which has the ticker AI. The stock has been rocketing this year, ending 2022 at just over $11, and just this week it traded as high as $44. Even after giving up some … Read more