Check out this interactive broadband map showing the range of Internet access in Pennsylvania –

Check out this interactive broadband map showing the range of Internet access in Pennsylvania -

How many Pennsylvanians don’t have broadband access at home? The head of a technology and public policy research team out of Penn State thinks their new mapping tool can determine that number better than the FCC. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is preparing to distribute millions of dollars to organizations across the state to support digital … Read more

Experts: Pennsylvania Failed to Identify Thousands of Internet Underserved Areas – Pennsylvania Capital-Star

Experts: Pennsylvania Failed to Identify Thousands of Internet Underserved Areas - Pennsylvania Capital-Star

By Harrison Cann Along the New York state line in rural Potter County, the Commonwealth’s fifth least populated county, it can take over an hour to drive to the nearest department store or mall. If residents need something that isn’t at their local Dollar General, they are likely to turn to online marketplaces to deliver … Read more